Leveraging Human Ego and Independent Businesses to Offset Late Stage Capitalism

Riri J
2 min readApr 23, 2024

In our capitalist world, human ego plays a significant role in driving competition. The desire to outperform others, to achieve success, and to accumulate wealth are all fueled by ego. However, in the context of late stage capitalism, where economic disparities are exacerbated and the gap between the rich and the poor widens, this competitive drive can be harnessed to create a positive change.

Late stage capitalism is characterized by monopolistic tendencies, where a few powerful corporations dominate the market, stifling competition and innovation. In this environment, independent businesses have emerged as a beacon of hope, offering an alternative to the status quo.

By encouraging individuals to establish their own businesses, we can offset the imbalance created by late stage capitalism. When people at the lower end of the economic spectrum realize that they too can become entrepreneurs and achieve financial independence, they challenge the notion that success is reserved for the privileged few. This realization taps into the competitive nature of human ego, motivating individuals to strive for independence and autonomy.

The 9–5 culture perpetuated by late stage capitalism often confines individuals to a cycle of monotony and dependence on corporate structures. However, by promoting entrepreneurship and independent business ownership, we empower people to break free from this cycle. When individuals see others succeeding as entrepreneurs, they are inspired (or driven to compete, either way) to follow suit, thus creating a ripple effect that challenges the traditional power dynamics of late stage capitalism.

Late stage capitalism comes with its drawbacks, including economic inequality and corporate dominance. However, it also presents opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. In today’s interconnected world, businesses can be built around virtually anything, from niche markets to digital platforms. This democratization of entrepreneurship means that anyone with a viable idea and the determination to succeed can carve out their own path.

Furthermore, independent businesses have the potential to divest from the economic monopoly created by large corporations. By fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and competition, we can create a more diverse and resilient economy. When individuals are empowered to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions, they not only gain financial independence but also contribute to the decentralization of economic power.

In conclusion, harnessing the competitive nature of human ego and promoting independent businesses offer a pathway to offset the imbalances of late stage capitalism. By encouraging individuals to break free from the confines of traditional employment and embrace entrepreneurship, we can create a more equitable and inclusive economy. Ultimately, it is through competition and innovation that we can challenge the status quo and pave the way for a more sustainable future.



Riri J

Given the urgency of time, a true scholar is compelled to be an autodidact.